Tuesday 18 February 2014

Experiments with Cocktails

Cocktails -

A cocktail is a kind of alcoholic mixed drink that contains two or more ingredients. As generally understood today, a cocktail requires at least one alcoholic component—typically a distilled spirit (such as gin, brandy, vodka, whiskey, tequila, or rum), although beer and wine are permissible—and one sweet component; it may also contain a souring or bittering ingredient. The completed cocktail is almost always garnished with fruit.

Cocktails were originally a mixture of spirits, sugar, water, and bitters. The term is now often used for almost any mixed drink that contains alcohol, including mixers, mixed shots, etc. A cocktail today usually contains one or more kinds of spirit and one or more mixers, such as soda or fruit juice. Additional ingredients may be sugar, honey, milk, cream, and various herbs.

Based on the type of alcohol used in the cocktail drink, I have divided them into several categories -

Cocktails with Coffee

Playing with the Vodka

Fun with Whisky

It's Rum Time

Tequila on the House

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